Aiming for housing for all

Aiming for housing for all


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Lucknow: The state government signed a memorandum of understanding (MOA) with Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs ,MOHUA) To implement ‘housing for all‘In UP.

Both sides will start the second phase Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (urban) (PMAY-U 2.0) was required to sign the document between

Kuldeep Narayan, Joint Secretary and Mission Director of the ‘Housing for All’ program provided an overview of the scheme.

Around 90 lakh houses have already been constructed under the first phase, in the second phase the target is to provide 1 crore pucca houses to the families living in urban areas in the country.

Amrit Abhijat, principal secretary, urban development department, UP, said the state is committed to ensuring successful implementation of PMAY-U 2.0. “The scheme is aligned with the vision of providing quality housing that promotes dignity, security and better opportunities for urban residents. Sanitation workers, street vendors registered under Swanidhi and those under Vishwakarma scheme, besides other marginalized groups Special attention will be given to the nominated artisans,” Abhijeet said.

  • Published on Nov 19, 2024 at 07:00 am IST

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